Youth shelters are homeless shelters specially targeted to offer assistance to homeless, runaway and in-crisis youth. Youth shelters typically provide shelter, address health, safety, education and workforce opportunities so these young people can eventually achieve independence.

(504) 2235-7870(504) 2235-7870
We are a State Institution, rector of the policies and regulations for the integral protection of...

+504 2239-0420+504 2239-0420
SOS Children’s Villages is a non-profit social development organization. We work for the ri...

+504 2566 3496+504 2566 3496
In early 1984 a group of Christians belonging to the Catholic Church decided to form a social no...

(+504) 2237-36-23(+504) 2237-36-23
Mission Our Mission is based on faith and the belief that all girls, boys and young people have t...

+504 2224-0798+504 2224-0798
We are a private non-profit institution, dependent on donations from those companies and people w...

Faith Home is a General Baptist ministry providing a safe and healthy place to love and raise chi...

New Life Children’s Home, located in the heart of Jalaca, Honduras, provides a spiritual and econ...

(504) 2769-4162(504) 2769-4162
After receiving a vision from the Lord, David and Lydia Martinez obediently sold everything they ...

Promise Home is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that wants to grow the kingdom by ministering...

MISSION Jovenes en Camino strives to advance the lives of young boys, preparing them to become co...

Mission The mission of the integral faith center association; hope and love is to provide an adeq...

Hogar Los Angeles exists to provide quality care to orphans with special needs and disabilities t...

This was the first El Hogar center and has grown from a small rented house in the middle of Teguc...

Hogar de Ninos Enmanuel is a non-profit children´s home for orphaned and abandoned children in Ho...

Childcare Youth Shelters Meals Clothing Education Physical Health Employment Counseling Transportation
(412) 564-0540(412) 564-0540
Our mission is to prevent child abandonment by nurturing vulnerable and orphaned children and sup...

+504 2559-3776+504 2559-3776
We are a non-profit organization dedicated to providing affection, protection and comprehensive c...